I think I originally got myself into Catoctin because it was
one of those races that I heard nightmare stories about over and over again…the
heat, the rocks, the hills, the getting lost. And each time I would just think
to myself...it’s a 50K. It can’t be THAT
bad. Wrong. So wrong.
I came into Catoctin this year feeling prepared. This was
one of Jeff’s favorite races, and so was Hyner. And I loved Hyner. So even
though Jeff told me I would probably hate it, I ignored him and thought it
would be fun. Plus it was right where I grew up, an extra bonus, right? I had
not really tapered for the event, but I felt like I was training pretty solidly
and in pretty good shape overall so should not be an issue. Jeff and I camped
out the night before with Gary Bowman and Cassandra, all of us running the race
the next morning.
Prep on race morning seemed to go well enough. I treated
myself to a black coffee from Starbucks in Frederick and I could feel that pleasantly
buzzing through my bloodstream during the pre-race meeting. I decided to play
the hydration for the day a little risky,
just taking a single 20oz handheld with me, as Jeff had recommended but
naturally against every other sane person’s advice for this race.
The race started at the top of a small Middletown mountain
just 3 miles down the road from my dad’s business. Despite this, I had never
actually run on this trail before (and I was about to find out why) And before
anyone even know the pre race briefing from the RD was over, we were off.
The first part of the race, after running around the parking
lot once, goes straight down the rocky decent of the mountain. The course is an
out and back, so I took note that it would end with a climb up a mountain. The
grade of the first decent was actually nice for running and not too steep, but
the rocks made it difficult to move too fast. Still this was nothing I couldn’t
handle and I started passing a number of people getting hung up on the rocks, blazing
my path down the trail. Maybe it helped that I stuck with Jeff, the expert
rocky downhill trail blazer, for the first few miles along with Henry Peck’s
daughter, Kaylyn, who I was meeting for the first time, but who sprained her
ankle within the first 20 minutes and dropped back.
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Of course they would put the camera man on the only 1/10th of a mile section of the course without rocks. |
I made sure that I was very attentive in looking for the light blue blazes (almost looking white at times) marking the trees of the course. None of the course is marked and you have to follow the not-always-easy-to-follow blue blazes to stay on course, which is how a lot of people get lost in this race. And running it I could see why. You had to constantly be looking down at the trail with all the rocks and each time you looked up, you risked taking a face plant into rocks. But if you didn’t look up you could easily go off course. Somehow I was managing to multi-task this though and even called back a couple guys I saw ahead of me running who missed turns a couple of times.
After the one climb I had pulled away from Jeff and I
started running with a girl named Bethany who had been close by the whole time.
I think we were 3rd and 4th woman at the time. She was in
VHTRC and a really strong runner, and way better than me at handling the
sections of rock hopping. Nonetheless, we hung together for a couple miles
until I had to stop for a minute to pee and she skipped ahead. When I was back
on the trail Jeff had caught up with me again and we ran together again for a
mile or so, into the next aid station. The downside to carrying a single
handheld on a hot day was that I had to stop at every aid station to fill up
(which I normally don’t do in a 50K). But still I just have been in and out of
there pretty quickly because Jeff was still hanging out at the aid station when
I left.
I ran the next few miles solo until I called another guy
back to the course who I saw miss a turn. We ran together for a mile or so
until the course finally got to a point where the rocks seemed to disperse a
bit for the first time all day. Here I actually felt like I could open up and run
fast, so I picked up the pace a little bit. Apparently I let down my guard a
bit too much because just minutes after I had settled into a rhythm for the
first time all day, my left ankle suddenly gave-way from under me, snapped
inwards and I felt a really unsettling pop quickly followed by a lightning bolt
of pain that shot from the outside of my ankle through my entire lower leg. Didn’t
feel good. My immediate reaction (after quickly considering if I had broken a
bone) was to keep running. Spraining my ankle is nothing new to me and actually
it probably happens every few weeks or so, so the popping and pain feeling is
sadly familiar, though this particular one felt a bit worse than usual. But when
I tried to continue on, running didn’t work this time and for the next few
minutes I was forced to limp and hobble over more rocks along the trail. Ugh. Being forced to walk bothered me
more than the pain. Numerous people passed me here but after a few minutes
though I was finally able to run again with just some soreness in the ankle
that gradually dwindled with every step. Yay, the race was still on!
I actually thought that Jeff was going to pass me when I was
walking, but he never caught up so I was on my own again. Luckily for me and my
freshly twisted ankle (HAH!) the next section got pretty rocky again. Needless
to say, was forced to take things pretty conservatively here. I met another
trail friend and ran with him until the turn around. “Man, you are moving!” he told me. I had to think that this guy couldn’t
be serious because with all this rock hopping I didn’t feel like I was getting
anywhere fast today. We hit the last aid station together and it was two miles
downhill into the turn around. This part was rocky, but less so than other
parts of the course, so I still felt like I could safely get a little speed
going down here.
Those two miles of downhill were pretty fun. I anticipated
seeing the leading guys coming back towards me a lot sooner than I did, but
towards the bottom of the mountain I saw them charging back up it. I also took
note that there were 3 women ahead of me, with Bethany in the lead now and only
a couple minutes ahead of me. We actually ran into each other going through the
creek crossing just before the aid station at the bottom.
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Dad being crew at the halfway point. |
I saw my parent’s for the first and only time on the course
all day (crews were not allowed anyplace else in this one). They refilled my
bottle while I gulped down some Coke and quickly headed back out again up the
mountain. The climb was not nearly as bad as it was talked up to me. Actually,
I found I could essentially run the entire thing, as the grade was long and
constant, but relatively shallow, with a level of rockiness that still allowed
for running. I felt really strong going up that climb and thought I was ready
to start kicking up a few gears for the day. I passed one girl within a few
minutes. I saw Jeff coming back towards
me too, still looking good, and some other friends who cheered words of
encouragement to me. People started telling me that I was 2nd female,
which was a little perplexing as I had only remembered passing one girl and I
thought there were three ahead of me. Maybe the other one fell and got buried in
all the rocks? A few minutes later, I started seeing Bethany up ahead around every
corner and at the crest of every long stretch of climb. I knew she couldn’t be
more than a minute ahead of me.
Just after reaching the top of the climb and going through
the next aid station the trail leveled off again and I started picking up some
speed. I felt great and was pushing the pace strongly. Then, out of nowhere, a bee flew out of into
the corner of my right eye and before I could react, a felt the sting that
ripped through my eye and soon the entire right side of my face. GAHHHHHH!!! I swatted it away but not
soon enough. Well that was a first. It hurt like hell but I kept running, maybe
even faster, pretty much just squinting to see out of one eye (which was also
not very conducive to rock running) The sting was lingering and I desperately
wanted something cold to put on it and since the only thing I had was a
waterbottle full of Gatorade, I started squirting that into my eye. Desparate
times….but despite my seemingly horrific appearance, my friends running back
towards me on the trail were still cheering for me, saying something about being
right behind first woman, and this really encouraged me to get over myself and
push on.
So I had gotten over the ankle, I had gotten over the bee,
and I was doing just fine with the occasional spray of Gatorade into my eye. Ten
minutes later my eyes were getting a little sticky and it was kind of hard to
see while I was squirting the Gatorade, so I will partly attribute ankle sprain
#2 to this (hah!). Honestly I don’t even remember how it happened, but I was
rock hopping some awful section when there it was, ankle snapping in and that
bolt of pain. So I was forced to walk again for a few minutes, though this time
was not as bad as the first one and I was able to run again a little quicker.
So, after all this happening, people running towards me were
STILL telling me that I was less than two minutes behind. Now I don’t know how
accurate this was, but it seemed legit at the time coming from multiple people
and it gave me encouragement to keep things up. So I got through those
obstacles, but what came next would be totally debilitating.
I was negotiating a long stretch of particularly rock
section when I felt the tightness in my left quad near my knee start of come on
that was quickly followed by intense pain. It came on without any type of
warning and on first instinct I had no idea what it could be. What IS that?!? But I quickly realized
(thanks to my amazing doctor of PT skills!!) that this pain and tightness must
be a muscle cramp. But I have NEVER had a
muscle cramp in my life! Why would I
be suddenly getting one now?? Because it’s Catoctin. I kept running on it
and it only got worse and fast. Soon the sharp pain that started in my quad
near my knee was searing up the entire front of my thigh and into my hip. I had
lost full range of motion of my leg and even though I was still “running” my
gait must have looked pretty ugly. My quad became so tight I couldn’t bend my
knee all the way, which made running and lunging over rocks particularly
difficult. Soon I had to do everything with just the working leg. I stopped a
couple times to try and stretch it, to palpate and massage the muscle. (I even
thought it could be referred pain from my hip, but in some quick self hip
testing, nothing I could do to my hip could further provoke or alleviate my leg
symptoms). Stretching seemed to provide some relief during the actual stretch,
but stopping and starting running again hurt even worse so soon I just nixed
the whole idea. When I felt my quad, the entire thing felt seized up in a knot
so tight I had to forcibly stretch my leg back using both arms. Still, I ran
(limped?) on. Muscle cramps go away with
time, right??? Wrong again.
In all this I still managed to stay very diligent about
following the trail blazes, which was a miracle because it gets increasingly
difficult to pay attention to the trail when your entire leg feels like it’s
about to fall off. I did pass a couple of signs, one that indicated that the
park we started in was 9 miles away. If I had to run another 9 miles on this
leg, there was no way I could finish this race. Meanwhile, the rocks kept
coming. And coming. And coming. Each time a nasty patch came, which was
probably 3 times per minute I would silently (and then not so silently) curse
those rocks as I painfully hobbled
over with one working leg.
Somehow I made it to the next aid and last aid station
alive. Over the past couple miles I felt like I was been moving at a sloths
pace and my leg cramp had gotten so bad that I was seriously considering
dropping at this point. But when I jogged into that aid station I was greeting
with cheers from the volunteers and my friend Gray, who was working the aid
station ran up to me and told me that I was just 2 minutes behind Bethany. How is that even possible??? I just
plain didn’t believe it. Besides, I no longer cared about my pace in the race
or my finishing time. But I just didn’t have the heart to drop out. Ok, and I
also didn’t have a ride or a phone. So after giving Gray what must have been
the saddest hopeless look of desperation, I left the aid station and “jogged”
(aka hobbled over rocks) it in for the next 6-7 miles.
That last stretch was pretty painful and miserable. Despite
still moving at the sloth’s pace, I still managed to pass a few guys (although
having one working leg looked like that would be the least of their issues…). The
trail went down a particularly steep rocky decent and in my rock hopping, at
one point I apparently felt too confident and hopped onto my left leg,
expecting it to support the weight of my body as it has done my entire life,
only to have it completely give out underneath me and slam me straight into a
tree. Ouch. I had to pause for a few seconds and just laugh at just how well
this race was going for me.
I think the only reason I actually ran up most of that last
climb was because every time I slowed down the midday horse flies that had
started coming out would start biting me. I finished the last climb and thought
I might not have ever been more happy to see a piece of duct tape slapped on
some hot asphalt parking lot that signified the finish line in my life.
Somehow I still managed to finish in 5:53, which was still
under my pre-set goal time of sub 6 hours and also still managed to hold on my
2nd place (though only because it was pretty much uncontested). The
post-race finish line party was a great time and I had a great time, minus the
last 3 hours of the race. But I am confident that I can say that Catoctin 50K was
probably the worst race of my running career to date and I hope it stays that
way. Therefore, if I do come back to this rock fest next year it will be to
SPECTATE (and drink beer at the finish line) ONLY and make fun of Jeff while he
is having so much fun in all his misery at his “favorite” race. Some people like running over piles of rocks for
6 hours. I do not.
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Jeff had a great time at Catoctin, by the way. |
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The Cat Card. NOT WORTH IT. |
Of course the whole thing was worth it because I got this awesome envied laminated Cat-Card for finishing! Hmmmmm...
Ok so not EVERYTHING went wrong. There were a few things that went right
1. Stomach. No issues all day. For me, that is
pretty amazing. And I will be keeping Trader Joe’s ginger people chews in
business for the rest of my days.
2. Fitness. I felt great coming up and down every
climb and downhill (pre-quad spasm).
3. Post race party. Double IPAs never tasted so good.
You had the ultimate Catoctin experience. What's not to love?!?
ReplyDeleteOh I dont know...the heat, the rocks, the bugs the snakes, THE ROCKS!! :-P